renungkan lah...

05 Juni 2011

the other part

the other part of my life
there are too much cracked place
flow as fast as my time
and i don know what will it see..

the other part of my life
there are too much question for my heart
about walking on the land
the strange land..

all of my activity,,
it done by the asking of the other people
it not by my heart
although only the other part

i want to run
i want to jump
i want to dance
i want to fly with perfect leg

but it cant be happen if the other part of my leg has a trouble

who is fault??

feel the same with they done,,is my dream..
a full people at whole part of their life..

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aBoUt Me

Foto saya
Balikpapan, kaltim, Indonesia
.ada suara yg terdengar d sebuah hentakan kaki yg beranjak pergi,mengalun indah seperti tanpa arti.harapan indah yang mungkin akan dia miliki akan menjadi motivasi dalam langit yg beranjak cerah,,:D